Senin, 29 Juni 2015


NAMA            :  ANYA ADRIANA
NPM               :  11211001
KELAS           :  4EA25

Junk food is a pejorative term for food containing high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Use of the term implies that a particular food has little “nutritional value” and contains excessive fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Junk food can also refer to high protein food containing large amounts of meat prepared with, for example, too much unhealthy saturated fat, many hamburger outlets, fried chicken outlets and the like supply food considered junk food. Despite being labeled as “junk”, such foods usually do not pose any immediate health concerns and are generally safe when integrated into a well balanced diet. However, concerns about the negative health effects resulting from the consumption of a “junk food”- heavy diet have resulted in public health awareness campaigns, and restrictions on advertising and sale in several countries.
Are you a junk-food junkie? Here's what you need to know ?
It's the 21st century and "junk food" has gone global. For better or for worse (mostly worse), junk food is now available all over the world. We see it most everywhere we go -- in grocery and convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, on television -- usually looking very appealing. But just what are the facts about junk food?
"Junk food" generally refers to foods that contribute lots of calories but little nutritional value. Of course, what's considered "junk food" depends on whom you ask. Some might say pizza is junk food, for example. But I personally don't think so, since it contributes real food with nutrients, like cheese and tomato sauce. Add whole-wheat or part whole-wheat crust, plus veggies as a topping, and I'd say pizza completely exits the junk food category.
One problem with junk foods is that they're low in satiation value -- that is, people don't tend to feel as full when they eat them -- which can lead to overeating. Another problem is that junk food tends to replace other, more nutritious foods. When people drink lots of soda, for example, they are usually not getting plenty of low-fat dairy or other healthful beverages like green tea or orange juice. When they're snacking on chips and cookies, they're usually not loading up on fruits and vegetables.
Most "junk food" falls into the categories of either "snack food" or "fast food." And then there are things like breakfast cereals. They seem innocent enough, but some of them could definitely be considered "junk food," as they mostly contain sugar or high-fructose corn syrup and white flour or milled corn.
Taking the 'Junk' out of Junk Food
Now that you've got the facts about junk food, how can you try to eat more healthfully in our junk- food-filled world? Here are three tips :
·         Choose fast-food restaurants that offer healthier choices. And no matter where you are, opt for food and beverages that are made up mostly of ingredients that offer nutrients along with calories. Enjoy freshly squeezed orange juice or a whole-wheat bagel instead of soda or donuts. Buy a bean burrito, pizza topped with vegetables, or a grilled chicken sandwich on a whole-grain bun instead of tortilla chips with processed cheese sauce; frozen pizza rolls; or fried chicken pieces and French fries. Avoid sweetened beverages.
·         Look for products low in sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, milled grains, and partially hydrogenated oils. Choose a 100% whole-wheat cracker made with canola oil, for example, or snack on a cheese and fruit plate instead of a bowl of cheese puffs.
·         Limit TV viewing, for yourself and your kids. Certain TV shows seem to attract more junk food commercials more than others, so parents might want to discourage kids from watching these shows. Or try TIVO (where you can fast-forward through commercials) or watch DVDs.
What happens to your metabolism after five days of junk food
            Even though their caloric intake remained unchanged, when men ate a junk-food  diet their muscles’ ability to oxidize glucose was disrupted in just five days’ time. This is a significant change, because muscle plays an important role in clearing glucose from your body after a meal.
Under normal circumstances, your muscles will either break down the glucose or store it for later use. Your muscles make up about 30 percent of your body weight, so if you lose this key player in glucose metabolism it could pave the way for diabetes and other health problems. As reported by TIME :
"'The normal response to a meal was essentially either blunted or just not there after five days of high-fat feeding,' [Matthew] Hulver, [PhD, department head of Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise at Virginia Tech Hulver] says.
Before going on a work-week's worth of a fatty diet, when the men ate a normal meal they saw big increases in oxidative targets four hours after eating.
That response was obliterated after the five-day fat infusion. And under normal eating conditions, the biopsied muscle used glucose as an energy source by oxidizing glucose. 'That was essentially wiped out after,' he says. 'We were surprised how robust the effects were just with five days.”’
Just One Bad Meal Can Mess with Your Health
Morgan Spurlock's documentary Super Size Me was one of the first to vividly demonstrate the consequences of trying to sustain yourself on a diet of fast food. After just four weeks, Spurlock's health had deteriorated to the point that his physician warned him he was putting his life in serious jeopardy if he continued the experiment.
But as the featured study showed, it doesn't take a virtual month to experience the health effects of a poor diet. In fact, the changes happen after just one meal, according to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
When you eat a meal high in unhealthy fats and sugar, the sugar causes a large spike in your blood-sugar levels called "post-prandial hyperglycemia." In the long term this can lead to an increased risk of heart attack, but there are short-term effects as well, such as :
·         Your tissue becomes inflamed (as occurs when it is infected)
·         Your blood vessels constrict
·         Damaging free radicals are generated
·         Your blood pressure may rise higher than normal
·         A surge and drop in insulin may leave you feeling hungry soon after your meal
The good news is that eating a healthy meal helps your body return to its normal, optimal state, even after just one. Study author James O'Keefe of the Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri told TIME :
"Your health and vigor, at a very basic level, are as good as your last meal."

Is Junk Food as Dangerous as Cigarettes ?
In the US, about one-quarter to one-third of adults fall into the obese category. A staggering two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and poor diet is in large part to blame. Last year, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, said that "obesity is a bigger global health threat than tobacco use," and that this fact isn't taken as seriously as it should be. His statements were delivered at the opening of the 2014 World Health Organization's annual summit. De Schutter ultimately wants nations to join forces to place stricter regulations on unhealthy foods:
"Just as the world came together to regulate the risks of tobacco, a bold framework convention on adequate diets must now be agreed," he said. 'The Special Rapporteur has previously agitated for greater governmental action on junk foods, including taxing unhealthy products, regulating fats and sugars, cracking down on advertising for junk food, and rethinking agricultural subsidies that make unhealthy food cheaper,' Time Magazine noted. 'Governments have been focusing on increasing calorie availability,' he said, 'but they have often been indifferent to what kind of calories are offered, at what price, to whom they are made available, and how they are marketed.'"
The idea that being overweight can be more harmful than smoking is likely to make many balk, considering how "normal" it has become to carry around extra pounds, but in terms of overall health effects and subsequent health care costs, it's likely true. For example, data collected from over 60,000 Canadians show that obesity leads to more doctor visits than smoking.
Further, according to a report by The McKinsey Global Institute, the global cost of obesity is now $2 trillion annually, which is nearly as much as the global cost of smoking ($2.1 trillion) and armed violence (including war and terrorism, which also has a global cost of $2.1 trillion).11 For comparison, alcoholism costs are $1.4 trillion annually, road accidents cost $700 billion, and unsafe sex costs $300 billion. What's more, if current trends continue, the McKinsey report estimates that nearly half of the world's adult population will be overweight or obese by 2030.
10 Reasons to stop eating junk food right now !
Do you know why all your favourite food items including pizzas, chaat, vada pav, bhajiyas, samosas, burgers, frankies, french fries, rolls and wraps are called ‘junk food?’ Well, the dictionary meaning of the word ‘junk’ is useless, extra or something that is not needed. And all these fast food items that have invaded every nook and corner of our country are called junk because they completely justify this meaning.
Today, junk food businesses are dominating the food industry to a great extent, with each huge food chain generating multibillion dollar revenue, creating thousands of employment opportunities and influencing diet globally. But all this comes at the cost of health and well-being of millions of consumers. The consequences that these junk food can have on your health are terrible, regardless of whether you have them once in a while, twice in a week or every day.
Have a look at how these junk food play a crucial role in deteriorating your health.
1.      It can cause type 2 diabetes: One of major contributing factors for the emerging diabetes epidemic is unhealthy diet full of junk and fast food. When you eat a healthy diet, your body gets a steady supply of glucose, which helps maintain insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, when you eat only junk food, the excessive stress exerted on your metabolism affects the ability of your body to use insulin properly. Since junk food lacks fibre content, its consumption directly results in a spike in sugar levels. Further, junk food consumption leads to obesity, one of the main reasons for insulin resistance and development of diabetes.
2.      It can trigger digestive problems: those who are addicted to fatty junk food are bound to suffer from digestive problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). That’s because junk food is deep fried. The oil soaked in junk food gets deposited on the walls of the stomach lining, increases acid production. Spices loaded in them irritate the stomach lining, worsening GERD and digestion. Lack of fibre in them hampers digestion, increasing problems like constipation and haemorrhoids. Try this  yoga pose to improve digestion.
3.      It causes fatigue and weakness: Junk food lacks most of essential nutrients like proteins and vitamins required for maintenance of overall health and functioning of all the systems in your body. Although it makes you feel full and satisfied, it fails to provide you with instant energy, making you feel weak and tired after a while. If you eat junk food items for all your meals of the day over a period of time, you could be suffer from chronic fatigue. Junk food can lower your energy levels to an extent that it may become difficult for you to even perform your daily tasks.
4.      Causes depression among teenagers: A lot of hormonal changes occur in teenagers, which makes them susceptible to mood swings and behavioural changes. And a healthy diet plays an important role in maintaining that hormonal balance. Because junk food lack those essential nutrients, the likelihood of teenagers to suffer from depression is increased by 58 percent. Here are some facts you need to know about depression.
5.      It causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels: Junk food is high in refined sugar which exerts stress on your metabolism. Refined sugar causes the pancreas to secrete more amount of insulin in order to prevent a drastic spike in your blood sugar levels. Because junk food lacks sufficient levels of good carbohydrates and proteins, the levels of blood sugar drop suddenly after you eat. This makes you feel irritable and further increases you craving for more junk food.
6.      It affects the brain function: A study published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity shows that one week of eating junk food is enough to trigger memory impairment in rats. Recent research suggests that bad fats (trans fats) from junk food tends to replace healthy fats in the brain and interferes with its normal signalling mechanism. Studies in animals have also shown that fats from junk food slow down the ability to learn new skills. Try these home remedies to boost your brain power.
7.      It increases the risk of heart disease: Junk food items are loaded with saturated fats and trans fats that directly increase triglyceride and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the blood, contributing to plaque formation and heart disease. Further, causing a sudden spike in blood sugar level increases, junk food damages the linings of the blood vessels causing chronic inflammation. This inflammation causes bad cholesterol to stick to the walls of the arteries, blocking blood flow to the heart. When they’re blocked enough, heart attack occurs. Fats from junk food can accumulate over a period of time in your body to make you obese. The more weight you put on, the higher your risk of suffering from heart attack. Refer to these heart healthy diet tips for people with heart diseases.
8.      It can cause kidney disease: The reason why you can never say no to fries and chips is because they contain high amount of finely processed salt which increases salivation and secretion of enzymes that enhance your cravings for these foods. High amount of bad fats and sodium from salt disrupts the sodium-potassium balance of the body and causes hypertension. Since the kidney have to filter all the toxins from the blood, eating a lot of junk food has a direct effect on the kidney functioning.
9.      It can damage your liver: Surprisingly, junk food consumption over a period of time can have similar harmful effect on the liver as alcohol consumptions does. A study reported that people who ate junk food and shunned exercise showed changes in liver enzymes within four weeks. These changes were similar to those observed in people with alcohol abuse. According to some studies, it’s the high level of trans fats found in a number of junk food which cause liver dysfunction due to deposition in the liver.
10.  It increases your risk of cancer: Lack of fibre is the main reason why junk food consumption is linked to an increased risk of cancers of the digestive system. A study published in European Journal of Cancer Prevention revealed that consuming too much of fast food that are high in sugar and fat can increase your chances of developing colorectal cancer. Another study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle showed that men who ate fried foods more than twice in a month had increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Here are 10 simple ways to prevent cancer.
Planning Your Meals Is Key
Ditching processed foods requires that you plan your meals in advance, but if you take it step-by-step as described in my nutrition plan, it's quite possible, and manageable, to painlessly remove processed foods from your diet. You can try scouting out your local farmer's markets for in-season produce that is priced to sell, and planning your meals accordingly, but you can also use this same premise with supermarket sales. You can generally plan a week of meals at a time, making sure you have all ingredients necessary on hand, and then do any prep work you can ahead of time so that dinner is easy to prepare if you're short on time (and you can use leftovers for lunches the next day).
Finally, if you're an emotional eater, I highly recommend using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is simple and effective, and can rapidly help you eliminate your food cravings naturally.
How To Stop Eating So Much Junk Food & Sugar !
A popular question that I get all the time is about how to stop giving in to food cravings. You know, how to stop eating so much of your favorite junk food and high sugar snacks.
Maybe it’s chocolate, ice-cream or candy of some kind, or maybe it’s cookies, cake or cereal, maybe potato chips or fast food, or just something you just love to eat, but need to stop eating because it is junk food that is high in calories, sugar and other things you’re trying to avoid.
Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, no matter what your goals are, we all love some type of junk food that we know we need to stop eating or at least greatly limit. The problem is, some people just can’t stop. They just can’t “get rid of the cravings” for these foods, and just can’t stop giving in to their food cravings. Luckily, I’m here to help you.
But First, A Warning…
Before I go any further, let me give you an honest warning. This article is NOT intended for everyone. It’s something I’m writing specifically for people who lack will power and desperately need a strong kick in the ass to get motivated and stick to their diet. These are the people who can’t make cheat days work (it just causes them to fall off their diet) and can’t just “indulge in moderation” like many of us can (which is something I often recommend, just not in this article).
I get emails from these kinds of people all the time, and they constantly ask for an article like this. So, if this describes you, then keep on reading. If it doesn’t, then this article is definitely not for you. I don’t really recommend doing what I explain in this article to anyone except the type of person I just described. So, you’ve been warned. Now let’s get down to business.
“Sticking To My Diet Is Too Hard”
SHUT UP!!!! Who the hell are you to whine to me? Shut up already!! Sure, I can completely understand if your problems with getting the results you want are from the wrong information about your workout or diet. I’ve been there before. I used to do the wrong stuff. But after I finally learned what works, I created this website to help others avoid the same problems I used to have.
I want to save you time, money and effort by giving you free honest information about how to get the results you want. But, this isn’t about your diet or workout. This isn’t about you wasting money on some useless ab workout machine or stupid weight loss product or other useless supplements and gimmicks that weren’t working for you. This is about food cravings.
Don’t whine to me. I’ve heard it before… “It’s so hard, I’m around this type of food all the time, the cravings just won’t go away, I have a sweet tooth, I just have to give in to the cravings.”
Stop it, you’re boring me.
Don’t give me your little stories. Like how you are around this type of food all the time. Do you think you are the only one, buddy? Everyone I know and am related to eats junk food all day long. This crappy food is everywhere I look. I am no different than you, except, I don’t give in.
Do I have super human powers? No. Do I not give in because my arms are bigger than yours? No. Do I not give in because I can bench press more than you? No. Do I not give in because my body fat is lower than yours? No. Do I not give in because I am physically better or physically stronger than you? No.
I don’t give in because…
I Am Mentally Stronger Than You
That’s all it is really, mental. And for you to give in and me not to give in, we can only assume that I am mentally stronger than you. How does that make you feel? I don’t know a damn thing about you, but I know that mentally, I can do something that you cannot. It sure makes me feel good though. That fact puts a smile on my face every single day. So, thanks for being so mentally weak. It will make me work that much harder during my next workout. Thanks a lot.
Sorry, did I hurt your feelings yet? I didn’t mean to, I’m just stating the truth. It’s not my fault if the truth hurts. You understand now that this is all mental, right? You understand that it’s all a matter of mental strength and will power, don’t you? Good. Here’s what you do.
Next time your little food cravings start coming out, think about this. Look at the food and think, “What do I want more… the 5 seconds of enjoyment that I will have while I chew this food, or the enjoyment of the fact that 24 hours of every day, 7 days of every week, I will have the body that I want to have.”
That is what it comes down to really, and let me tell you… no food tastes as good as that feeling feels.
So don’t whine to me about how hard it is for you. Do you think I will feel bad for you? I won’t. You are not special. It is exactly as hard for you as it is for me and EVERYONE else. What’s the difference? I have what it takes mentally. You know what else? You have it too. You just need to learn to use it. And, hopefully… this article has helped bring it out.



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